Home Cannabinoids Combining Delta 8 and CBD Together

Combining Delta 8 and CBD Together

Combining Delta 8 and CBD Together

Cannabinoid research has been going on for years. There are over 100 cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. The cannabinoid CBD caused a stir in the news a few years ago when it became federally legal under the Farm Bill. More recently to hit the general market is the cannabinoid Delta 8. And it’s creating quite a buzz with its properties. It can compete with CBD for popularity in products and effects it has on its consumers. But what’s the difference between these two amazing cannabinoids?

Delta 8

Delta 8 is a psychoactive cannabinoid similar to Delta 9. Now, Delta 9 is the main cannabinoid that creates the euphoric high and relaxation consumers aim for when taking cannabis. The biggest difference between these two cannabinoids is a double bond in their molecular structure. There is a double bond on the 8th carbon chain for Delta 8. Whereas Delta 9 has a double bond on the 9th carbon chain. This difference allows Delta 8 to still have the psychoactive properties but with less intensity and more control. Delta 8 also doesn’t typically have common side effects Delta 9 is known for. Those can include a clouded head and increased paranoia and anxiety.

Delta 8 is synthesized in labs to create a larger amount of the cannabinoid. That way it can be added to several different types of consumables. The most typical products are vapes, distillates, tinctures, and edibles. Each product has its own unique effect on the body. It creates a slightly different sense of euphoria over a period of time.


CBD is one of the more thoroughly researched cannabinoids. However there still isn’t much research available. The limited studies show CBD can act as an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), anti-inflammation, anti-depressant, antinociceptive (anti-pain), and to have sleep aid properties among other factors. Many consumers have reported using CBD oil to help with these various issues, after consulting with a doctor. CBD is also a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. It’s said to help relieve symptoms without disorienting consumers or making them feel high. Some users aren’t looking to feel or achieve a sense of high, but are looking for relief.

Delta 8 and CBD

What about those who want to feel the supportive and positive effects of CBD while also experiencing a small high from cannabis? Products are available to the public now and are receiving heavy praise for their positive effects. And they most effectively follow what scientists call the entourage theory. Where cannabino ids combined together will create a more enhanced experience. While the theory isn’t proved, its anecdotal evidence can’t be ignored.

For those who wish to experience CBD and the benefits it has on the body can add to the overall feeling with the addition of Delta 8. There isn’t much research available to review on combining CBD and Delta 8 together. The entourage theory is just that, a theory but does offer some insight to what changes could be happening. Regardless, consumers continue to rave about the effects Delta 8 and CBD create for them.

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