Home Cannabinoids Comparing Cannabinoids Delta 8 and Delta 9

Comparing Cannabinoids Delta 8 and Delta 9

Comparing Cannabinoids Delta 8 and Delta 9

It can be hard to tell the difference between two very similar cannabinoids, especially Delta 8 and Delta 9. So let’s break them down. 


Both Deltas are psychoactive cannabinoids. This means that, when consumed, both create a sense of euphoria for its consumers. Also, both cannabinoids have been shown to have several positive properties. These include antidepressant, sleep-aid, and anti-inflammatory to name a few. Though much research hasn’t been done, studies have shown the positives as well as consumer feedback. 


One of the differences between the two deltas is that Delta 9 typically causes some side effects. Many consumers report that they feel disoriented, have a cloudy, an increased heart rate, and increased paranoia and anxiety. While the euphoric feeling is an overall comfort, the side effects can be a very large disadvantage to consumers. Delta 8 has been reported to not have the negative side effects listed above, and still creates a sense of euphoria in consumers.

Another difference is that Delta 8 is more controllable over Delta 9. What does that mean? Well, Delta 8 is less potent than Delta 9. It can still create a sense of euphoria in consumers, but many have reported that they are in control of their high. They remain lucid while becoming relaxed and less stressed. 

How is Delta 8 able to do that? The biggest difference between both cannabinoids is molecular structure. Even though the Deltas are both THC derivatives, Delta 8 has a slight difference that makes it a more controllable and less potent. There’s a double bond on the 8th carbon chain for Delta 8 and a double bond on the 9th carbon chain for Delta 9. This is what makes the difference between the two. 

Why Delta 8 over Delta 9?

Is one delta better than the other? That is a question of preference. But the biggest thing to consider is that Delta 8 is considered federally legal and legal in a majority of the states. Delta 9 is not. Why is that? Delta 9 has been classified as a Schedule I drug by the government. 

In 2018, the USDA passed the Farm Bill, which states that as long as a product contains less than 0.3 percent of Delta 9, then it is legal to sell on the general market. 

Because of the federal legal classification, there are several sites that sell different Delta 8 THC products. Some products are straight Delta 8 oil, while others are combined with other cannabinoids, like CBD and CBN, to add different effects on people. For example, CBN has sedative properties, so one company has made a Delta 8 based product that helps with sleep. Others combine with multiple cannabinoids to fully help people feel better.

As always, research the legal status of Delta 8 in your state as laws and regulations constantly change. Make sure to check back for more cannabis and hemp related news.