Home Cannabinoids Exploring a Major Benefit of Delta 8 THC

Exploring a Major Benefit of Delta 8 THC

Exploring a Major Benefit of Delta 8 THC

Delta 8 is a relatively new product readily available on the market. Not much research is available for this cannabinoid, however consumers have noticed different positive effects that Delta 8 has offered to them. One significant benefit research has found is that Delta 8 THC helps prevent nausea.

A study in Jerusalem used Delta 8 THC as a form of anti-sickness (antiemetic) in children going through chemotherapy. Delta 8 was compared to other medicine known for their antiemetic properties, such as metoclopramide. Metoclopramide is typically used for nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy or radiation treatments in cancer patients.

In this study, patients got the option to choose between Delta 8 THC and metoclopramide as an antiemetic. Most of the patients in the study chose to use Delta 8 over metoclopramide and found positive results. Six patients joined the study, only four chose Delta 8 from the start. Two patients didn’t pick Delta 8 as their first choice of antiemetic, because of it’s close relationship with cannabis. The two patients who chose metoclopramide fell ill or were nauseous during their first round. One patient even found themselves having uncontrollable vomiting.

When it became time for the second round of chemotherapy, 100 percent of patients used Delta 8 as their antiemetic. That’s because it offered better antiemetic results than metoclopramide, the other anti-sickness medication used. Many patients participated in the study over a few years. It depended on the severity of their diagnosis and intensity of their chemotherapy. Every time, each patient chose Delta 8 because it was more effective than the leading antiemetic prescriptions.

Reaction to Delta 8 THC Consumption

Patients who received Delta 8 THC over metoclopramide had more positive reactions to the antiemetic properties. All of the patients in the study took several trial runs of Delta 8 before receiving their chemotherapy. They also received Delta 8 during their chemotherapy treatments to help prevent any uneasiness and nausea.

Patients would receive a dose of Delta 8 THC about two hours before their chemotherapy was to start. Patients took Delta 8 in a liquid form, such as a dropper to the tongue, in a small amount soaked in a piece of bread, or given via IV. After the chemotherapy began, patients received regular doses of Delta 8 every 6 hours for 24 hours.

Positive Feedback

Some families were initially against using a cannabinoid to help treat a patient. However, those families ended up switching to Delta 8 THC for the positive effects it has against nausea and vomiting. Patients typically go through several rounds of chemotherapy over a set amount of time. Patients who received Delta 8 before chemotherapy reported no vomiting or even a feeling of sickness. This created positive feedback for the use of Delta 8 THC as an antiemetic.

Delta 8 is substantially cheaper than other antiemetics typically used for nausea. This is one major benefit of Delta 8, and there are many more. While more research is being done, the existing data indicates a positive outlook on Delta 8 THC.

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