Home News Cannabis News Medical Cannabis Attitude Differs Among Medical Professionals

Medical Cannabis Attitude Differs Among Medical Professionals

Medical Cannabis Attitude Differs Among Medical Professionals

As different groups start supporting cannabis reforms on different government levels, attitudes around cannabis lean more towards supporting it. A recent study looked into how the attitudes differed depending on what groups looked at cannabis. The researchers looked specifically at the attitudes of different medical professionals. They discovered certain groups were more likely to have a positive attitude towards medical cannabis. On the other hand, other groups leaned more towards continued prohibition.


This study examined the different opinions between patients and their healthcare professionals. They wanted to examine medical marijuana, its perceived efficacy, side effects, and risk of dependency through a cross-sectional sample study. These sample pool included 430 patients, 65 nurses, and 65 physicians in two large medical centers in Israel. Researchers handed out questionnaires to each individual which asked questions on attitudes, perceived efficacy, side-effects, and perceived risks of dependency regarding cannabis.


With these questionnaires, researchers found patients currently using medical cannabis had the most positive attitude toward it. Researchers also looked at a number of different characteristics to see if these affected an individual’s attitude. They found that characteristics of younger age, high school education, being Jewish, and ever using medical cannabis affected positive attitudes among patients. 

When it came to the nurses and physicians, the researchers found physicians with an oncology specialty and nurses leaned positively regarding medical cannabis. However, physicians outside of oncology had a less positive attitude towards cannabis.


At the end of the study, the researchers suggested more information and awareness about medical cannabis could help reduce the gap in perceptions of physicians and patients. They believe its only lack of information around medical cannabis causing the negative attitude.

However, this can be an issue. With cannabis illegal in many countries, it is difficult to gather resources needed to perform any cannabis research. In fact, the U.S. only recently just starting to try removing these roadblocks, but the process is slow.

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