Home News Cannabis News Oregon State to Study Hemp Market in Western U.S.

Oregon State to Study Hemp Market in Western U.S.

Oregon State to Study Hemp Market in Western U.S.

With researchers still looking into the ins and outs of the potential hemp market, Oregon State University received a $10 million grant from the US Department of Agriculture. The USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s Sustainable Agricultural Systems has specifically funded it. The purpose of this study is to take a closer look at the hemp industry and to answer any unanswered questions about it over the course of five years. The scientists of Oregon State partnered with eight institutions across the nation on the research.


This study came as a result of the decriminalization of hemp with the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. However, this created a boom of interest in the potential of hemp. However, in order to establish a successful hemp industry, the researchers need to perform more research on the different aspects. Specifically, they need to look at where different hemp grain, fiber, and essential oil market classes should be optimally grown as well as the best plant genetics to use. They also need to look into how to incorporate hemp into already existing production systems to avoid disrupting the markets. Finally, they need to look at where to process the materials and where the most likely growth markets to support industry expansion would be located.


The researchers, with these questions in mind, are targeting the rural transportation corridor that traverses Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and California. To clarify, this corridor is located east of the Cascade-Sierra Nevada Mountains from Canada to Mexico. This area is the focus because it represents diverse and generally arid environmental conditions. It also encompasses both large areas of irrigated and non-irrigated production. Since they are significantly represented across the region, Native American Tribes are also accepted into the study.


It is the hope of activists that studies like this will lead to pushing Congress towards comprehensive legalization of cannabis. At the very least, it is their hope that the end of the study will help to establish the best way to expand the hemp industry.

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